Friday, September 20, 2013

The Path of Water

Cascades over me;
The Path of Least Resistance?
I know its Power.  

At ANASAZI we use The Seven Paths as forward walking literature on the trail. We also use accompanying work books, called path books. As a Trailwalker I am encouraged to complete the path books. At the end of the path of water it invites me to write home to my family about my awakenings on the Path of Water. Well, why not write to the whole world too?

I love water. It does all of that awesome stuff that everybody always talks about when they talk about water, you know, it gives life and whatever, however, it's also fascinated me most recently as I have observed it following the path of least resistance. The Path of Least Resistance. But isn't that the path that we are counseled not to trod? The path of Satan, the path of the devil, that leads idleness, sin, drugs, and adultery? And yet water flows down it, so subtly, sublime, celestial all the way. Aren't we taught that nature abides a higher law and follows the Creator in all things? Aren't we counseled to learn from nature? Should we not then also follow that Path of Least Resistance? 

Perhaps then our view of the path of least resistance is flawed, for nature takes it often and Christ says his yoke is easy and his burden light. 

Is there then a divine Path of Least Resistance and a not-so-divine path of least resistance? One that leads naturally up and one that leads tragically down?

In conclusion, I stop speaking in questions.