Friday, May 24, 2013


I share a story from Paulo Coelho's Maktub which affected me for the better recently. It helped me to understand why darkness comes and that darkness comes.

Existe um momento do dia em que fica difícil enxergar direito: o crepúsculo. Luz e as trevas se encontram – e nada é totalmente claro ou totalmente escuro. Na maior parte das tradições espirituais, este momento é considerado sagrado. 

A tradição católica nos ensina que às seis horas da tarde devemos rezar a ave-maria. Na tradição quéchua, se encontramos um amigo à tarde e estamos ainda com ele no crepúsculo, devemos começar tudo de novo, saudando-o novamente com um boa-noite. 

No momento do crepúsculo, o equilíbrio do planeta e do homem é testado. Deus mistura sombra e luz, quer ver se a Terra tem coragem de continuar girando. 

Se a Terra não se assusta com a escuridão, a noite passa – e um novo sol torna a brilhar.

There is a time of day when it is difficult to see clearly: the twilight. Light and darkness are - and nothing is totally clear or totally dark. In most spiritual traditions, this time is considered sacred.

The Catholic tradition teaches us that at six o'clock we pray the Hail Mary. In Quechua tradition, if we find a friend in the afternoon and we are still with him in the twilight, we start all over again, hailing him again with a good night.

At the time of twilight, the balance of the planet and the man is tested. God blends shadow and light, wanting to see if the earth has the courage to keep turning.

If the earth is not frightened by the darkness, the night passes - and the morning makes a new sun to shine.

Coelho, Paulo (2009-12-29). Maktub (Kindle Locations 1028-1036). Paolo Coelho. Kindle Edition. 

President Clark called this spiritual twilight the Personal Frontier, in his Jan 2011 BYU-I Devotional Address Faith Like a Grain of Mustard Seed.

That is where we find our personal frontier.  There is a personal frontier for each one of us in every covenant, commandment, calling, and assignment we receive from the Lord.  The frontier is defined by the light we have already received and by our knowledge, understanding, skill, and experience.

The frontier is where the Savior works.

Perhaps this is where the God the Father forsook his Son; perhaps this is where we are when we feel abandoned, in the dark.

The Frontier is where the Savior works.

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