Monday, February 6, 2012

DAY 27- Back to Work

I start work again tomorrow. Mono put me out for a good three weeks. After finally being properly diagnosed two weeks ago, I asked the LDS missionaries living above me to give me a priesthood blessing, for the mono to leave my body. That was about last sunday or so. By tuesday I was feeling much better, and by the time I went to the doctor again on thursday, I was so far recovered that she gave me a "back to work" slip for monday. She was rather happily surprised by my quick recovery. I had told her I attributed it to lots of Ricola cough drops (I stuck to the old fashioned ones, not their newfangled dual action hullabaloo), and some good religion.

I think the juice fast helped, but it was admittedly after the fact.

Lots of prayer and priesthood, and old fashioned herb blends and menthol helped spur my recovery after only three weeks of suffering. I say "only" because Mono usually runs its course over four to six weeks, and sometimes people don't feel fully recovered until after as long as a year.

My thanks goes out to the Lord for his mercy in such a miracle. Also to Dr. Mickels; if you ever need an MD in the area, she's my recommendation. I could feel her love.

I'm going to take it easy this next week, as I'm not out of the woods yet.

On a different note, my Fiance has started up her own blog regarding wedding and crafty business, documenting the 196 days to our lovely marriage that is going to be oh so sweet! I can't wait. I highly recommend it: 196 Day Countdown

Plus, I'll be making lots of guest appearances there.